
Raffaella Carrá

Raffaella Carrá Raffaella Roberta Pelloni (born in Bellaria on 18 June 1943), better known by her artistic name Raffaella Carrà, is an Italian TV hostess, singer and actress. She is especially popular in her native country and in Spain and Latin America where during the past decades she has conducted numerous popular TV shows, mainly in the Italian (RAI) and Spanish (TVE) national TV channels.

She had a big hit song with Tuca Tuca written by her long-time collaborator and boyfriend, Gianni Boncompagni. She had another long relationship with Sergio Japino.

She starred in the motion picture Von Ryan’s Express (1965) with Frank Sinatra, Edward Mulhare, and Trevor Howard. Her greatest international hit single was "A far l’amore comincia tu".

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Lady Cordelia Balthazara Fitzgerlad -

Querida Marjorie. Ya olvidado nuestro reciente encuentro en Southapton Gardens, agradezco enormemente conocer tus nuevas actividades comunicativas. Siempre te caracterizaste, querida, por tu avanzada disposición e interés a las nuevas tecnologías, que en el caso concreto me manifiestan nuevamente tu condición chic. Recuerdos infinitos a Lady Prudence que a estas alturas ha de odiarme por este silencio que los afanes diarios causan en esta mi relación. Besos y abrazos de tu hermana.